Now I'm a user of HBase.

Today, I've changed the database of my toy project, a URL shortener service, from the MySQL to the Apache HBase. It seems run well with my Java real-time web application.

Actually, it's not my first time. I was contributed a HQL (HBase Query Language) long long time ago. If they didn't tackle me, I could made something like Pig or Hive. Haha, anyways.

My HBase cluster size is 5 nodes. There's no big data yet but, it is now used for some twitter clients and a number of web sites and the rows are increasing as almost 30 per second.

Later, I'll use them for my some research work e.g., information-flow analysis, user propensity analysis, web structure mining, trend mining with the Apache Hama. :-)


  1. That will soon be big data. Just out of curiosity, where do you host nodes? I don't have working knowledge of HBase nor Hadoop but am very interested.

  2. It runs on a dozen of my commodity PCs, located in my house storage. :-)

  3. Yo, big data in the house =)
